Our PSAT Course curriculum is designed to emphasize the content, skills, and strategies required for success on the digital adaptive PSAT. Our teachers combine years of classroom experience with expert knowledge of the ins and outs of the new test and were integral in developing our revamped curriculum. Each course consists of engaging teaching sessions and timed, proctored practice tests. Students are grouped by ability and also receive individualized attention.

Schedule for Fall 2025 PSAT Courses

We will post our PSAT Course schedule in early summer and notify students and families by email.

Why take our PSAT Course?

Our PSAT Course provides a strong head start for juniors and sophomores on the SAT and ACT. Juniors with top PSAT scores qualify for National Merit Scholarship recognition (both commended scholar and semi-finalist) and scholarships.

Commitment to high-quality curriculum development. Our teachers are experts on the content and strategies for the digital adaptive PSAT. They have experience working with a range of learners and will bring out the best in each student. Students are grouped by ability, and each course includes at least one full practice PSAT administered under authentic conditions. Our instructors monitor student performance and use the results of the timed test to guide future instruction.

Purposeful communication. Before the start of each course, the teachers email parents, requesting any helpful information about their child and their preferred learning style. Throughout the course, teachers email weekly reminders about the work accomplished in class and provide suggestions for continued preparation at home.

Accessibility. Our teachers arrive early to class so that they can work with students individually. Between sessions, students are invited to email teachers with questions. We also offer numerous extra help sessions so that students can make up missed classes, take additional practice sections, or meet with instructors.

Flexibility. Students can make up classes at the other sessions, as long as they attend the classes in order. Students who are unable to attend a class can arrange for a make up.


B has been selected as a winner of the National Merit $2500 Scholarship. Thank you, Lynn, for taking time last year to discuss the possibility with me. The classes B took for the PSAT and SAT were fantastic. He couldn’t have done better!

ED, Student

My son was accepted early to Dartmouth. He was just notified that he is a National Merit Finalist. He took the SAT twice as his calculator didn’t work the first time he took them. So he got 800 both times on the Critical Reading, Math 690 then 770 and Writing 740 to 760. Your teachers helped – no question.

GI, Parent

I wanted to share with you the great news. R. scored a total of 227, with a 70 in Critical Reading, 80 in Math, and 77 in Writing. These scores are a 52 point increase from his PSAT last year. R. is thrilled at the results. I was glad that he went into the PSAT feeling confident and prepared.

AG, Parent

I just wanted to thank you for everything. I just received my PSAT scores, and thanks to your help I scored a 76 in Math. I know for a fact that this score is a direct result of your help, so I just wanted to take the time to express my appreciation for your effort and time. Thank you.

RC, Student

Just finished up the [PSAT] about 15 minutes ago and it went awesome! I remember taking it last year and felt overwhelmed with the timing and number of questions I was required to answer. The course definitely prepared me to be a better test taker. Looking forward to getting scores and sending them your way!

TO, Student


  • Spring 2025 PSAT 10 testing window: March 3–April 30, 2025
  • Fall 2025 PSAT/NMSQT testing window: October 1–31, 2025.
  • PSAT 8/9 testing windows: March 3–April 30, 2025, October 1–31, 2025.

Each high school will determine the test date within the testing window. Please contact your guidance office for more information.

